For Immediate Release
Wilmington, NC//August 1, 2022 — Business North Carolina is pleased to announce the 2022 North Carolina Best Employers annual list. Specifically, Gibson Consultants earned a place in the small company division.
“We’re thrilled to be honored for the culture and benefits we offer, in a way that is meaningful to our employees.” says Jim Gibson, President, Gibson Consultants.
To determine winners, Business North Carolina partnered with marketing research firm, DataJoe (, who conducts Best Employer campaigns on behalf of publishers across the nation. Employee surveys were distributed to all companies that applied, covering issues such as organization health, engagement, leadership, work – life balance, training, pay, benefits, and corporate social responsibility. Using DataJoe’s proprietary algorithm, surveys were analyzed to determine the winning companies.
“We take great satisfaction from identifying and celebrating workplace excellence and giving businesses the tools to analyze and improve workplace satisfaction.” said Johnny Levy, president of DataJoe.
“Our Best Employers Program is tremendously important to our magazine. We know that those who are honored contribute greatly to North Carolina and our economy,” said Ben Kinney, publisher of Business North Carolina. “The participation in this program continues to grow.”
An awards gala will conclude this year’s program on Thursday, October 20th at Grandover Resort in Greensboro.
ABOUT Business North Carolina magazine: We cover one very special place, this state, and its economy, which is as diverse as the people who call it home. We produce quality, in-depth journalism, digging behind the scenes, producing stories and information that is current, thorough, and enlightens and entertains our readers. In the boardroom or on the factory floor, we seek to show not only trends and events but the human face of commerce. Business North Carolina magazine delivers qualified business owners, C-level and top senior executives at your fingertips.

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