Even Perfect Interoperability Won’t Do the Trick


by Nesim Bildirici Winter 2013 – Although we’ve seen the widespread adoption of HIT throughout the healthcare system led by the dramatic increase in the use of EHRs/EMRs by physicians and hospitals, true patient-centered, coordinated care is still an unrealized goal. EHRs/EMRs do an outstanding job of enabling vast amounts of patient data to be… Read more »

On-Demand Healthcare


by David McCann August 2013 – The healthcare industry is undergoing a dramatic transformation as healthcare providers adjust to changing consumer expectations and new industry regulations created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). These two converging forces bring both opportunities and challenges for providers to improve their quality of care and deliver a better patient… Read more »

HIPAA vs. Open HIT Systems


by Graham Barnes July 2013 – In March, as required by the HITECH Act in 2009 as part of ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), the DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) finalized the rules for HIPAA (Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Privacy and Security compliance and breach. Covered entities and their business… Read more »

Interoperability? Not without Standards


by Chuck Parker June 2013 – We constantly hear that healthcare needs interoperability like the ATM or cell phone networks, but what does that really mean? Interoperability is becoming more important as we begin to implement systems in all of healthcare. The goal of the HITECH and ACA legislation was to increase the use of… Read more »

Let’s Stop Paying Homage to Evidence-Based Medicine


by Rick Lee March 2013 – Evidence-based medicine will always have a place in our health care industry. For example, we can ill afford to unleash unproven drugs on an unsuspecting and vulnerable population. Having the FDA require strict adherence to time-tested processes and methodologies protects our citizenry. But health care software development needn’t be… Read more »

Taking Patient Care Outside the Exam Room with Technology


by Scott Zimmerman February 2013 – Nothing can replace quality, personal interactions with your doctor. But technology can make delivering this personal attention, virtually 24/7, as easy as writing a prescription. Physicians are now utilizing engagement communications (education, support and encouragement delivered via technology) to help patients better manage their health. Web-based educational campaigns as… Read more »

Engagement Doesn’t Have to Be So Elusive; Employers Can Lead the Way


by Frank Hone December 2012 – In recent years the American consumer has become a much more active participant in her own health and well-being. She’s generally better focused on nutrition and exercise and is more knowledgeable, proactive and aware of prevention and treatment options. But even as she has taken on more personal responsibility,… Read more »

The Coming Tsunami in Healthcare


By David Winn, M.D., FAAFP November 2012 – EDITOR’S NOTE: In light of the recent presidential election results, we are re-running David Winn’s article from the eve of the 2010 mid-term elections. Much has happened since then, and much remains the same. Some of Dr. Winn’s opinions are as equally deserving of discussion now as… Read more »

Low Hanging Fruit


by Jim Gibson October 2012 – There’s nothing like an industry in utter turmoil to create opportunities for entrepreneurs. Turmoil doesn’t adequately describe health IT today and, as we read every day in the trade press and blogs, many health IT companies are doing quite well. Some even have the enviable challenge of managing hyper-growth…. Read more »